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How may we be of help?

Docfinder.com.au is a place to find, review and read reviews about doctors. The site is free and user-friendly. It contains all the information you need to research, and find the most suitable doctor for your needs.

With docfinder.com.au you can search and compare thousands of doctors and health professionals based on your needs. Each doctor has a profile of information including some detail about them, what they treat, expertise, opening hours and more. Docfinder.com.au lets you get to know as much as you can about your doctor before you see them so that you can be sure that you and your doctor are best for
each other. You can also check out reviews from real patients, and rate your own doctor for the benefit of the docfinder.com.au community.

Docfinder.com.au ratings have been created so that the community can share their experiences of a doctor based on punctuality, attention, facilities and price. It is important that individuals form their own independent review of their doctor, as cases to get better are very dependent of the individual. What works for one patient might not work for another, this is why our reviews are solely based on punctuality, attention, facilities and price.

Australians rate their doctor on four criteria: punctuality, attention, facilities, and price. Every time a rating is left on a doctors profile, the docfinder.com.au team is alerted. The rating then gets reviewed and published.

You can leave a rating on the doctors profile page. The space to leave your rating is at the bottom of the doctors’ profile. To find your doctor you can search for them by name, location or category.

If you can’t find your doctor to leave a rating, it is most likely that they are not listed on doctors.com.au. Make sure the next time you visit them you let them know to create a profile so that the community can easily find them.

You can’t leave more than one rating for your doctor. You can change it or delete the rating.

Yes. We take your privacy seriously, and strictly adhere to the Privacy Act. We will not sell your personal details to anyone else. See our privacy policy.

All reviews are moderated before being published onto our doctors’s profiles and on the docfinder.com.au website. If a review doesn’t meet our review guidelines, we do not publish it to the site. We also have security checks in place to make sure that the reviews are not manipulated by the owner of the doctors profile, or by anyone else.

Visitors to the site are free to write about the doctors based on their punctuality, attention, facilities and price. Reviews won’t go live until they’ve passed our moderation process. Reviews that contain inappropriate language or any other defamatory content will not be published onto the doctors profile.

Unlike other health directory websites, doctors.com.au’s aim is to get as much information about the doctor. So you can learn about them – to allow for you to get a better idea of which doctor will be best for you. You can also search for doctors and objectively compare them based on location, specialty, bulk billing, gender, qualifications, etc. Start searching now.

Never. We take your privacy seriously, and strictly adhere to the Privacy Act. We will only collect personal information that is necessary for us to provide you with the functions that we offer on our website. We will not sell your personal details to anyone else. View our privacy policy here.